You bet! These should be listed in our library catalog, along with paper books. The difference is that instead of a location and call number, you will see a yellow box that says something like
Click on the following to:
Access book at the [Vendor] Site
If you are off-campus, you will have to authenticate with your name and Suffolk ID number to access the book.
eBooks are available 24/7, but some are limited to one user at a time.
For a list of a few of the latest ebooks added, see this page.
Interested in downloading book content onto your own device? eBrary, our biggest eBook vendor, does allow this. See this guide for details.
Our eBooks are oriented toward academic topics, but your public library is also likely to have ebook collections of popular reading. Here, just as an example, is a page from Boston Public Library. BPL also has a nice page of public domain eBooks.